Take the Tour

Take a look at some of the features that SmartMRO has to offer.

Inventory Scan

We utilize barcode technology using either Windows Mobile or Apple iOS devices.

Inventory Scan

Item Master

Create a unique set of materials specific to your enterprise. The system supports MRO, blueprint tooling, and OEM spare material types. Configure a customized location hierarchy that fits your business.

Item Master


The platform supports spot buys, RFQ’s, and automated inventory requisitions. View real time status of requisitions throughout the approval routing process.


Vending Machines

We are completely integrated with SupplyPro and their series of vending solutions, including: SupplyChiller, SupplyPod, SmartDrawer, SBD-Maxx, SupplyBay 3.0, SupplyLocker, SupplyTower, and SupplyAgent.

Vending Machines

Approval Workflow

Configure automated requisition routing by way of user, cost center, value, and more through approval chains. The requisition status is visible throughout the workflow process.

Approval Workflow


Our system supports a single buyer or mutli-tiered buying groups. Configure your prefered suppliers by commodity, brand, and more, to enable your strategic sourcing decisions.


Advanced Analytics

Real time data to understand your inventory and service performance: inventory turns, day supply on hand, supplier on-time delivery, ship complete, stock out, and more.

Advanced Analytics

Consulting Services

- Supply Chain Management (SCM) consulting
- Inventory analysis and stratification
- Supply chain process engineering
- On-site implementation
- POU, KanBan, storeroom and FSL management
- Supply base rationalization
- On-site supervision and staffing

* Certain guidelines for product handling and storage restrictions apply